- Gebundene Ausgabe: 336 Seiten
- Verlag: HarperTeen (12. April 2016)
- Sprache: Englisch
- ISBN-10: 0062380001
- ISBN-13: 978-0062380005
- Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: Ab 13 Jahren
- Broschiert: 352 Seiten
- Verlag: Bastei Lübbe (one by Lübbe) (15. April 2016)
- Sprache: Deutsch
- ISBN-10: 3846600229
- ISBN-13: 978-3846600221
- Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: 14 – 17 Jahre
Diese Rezension wird anders sein, denn zuerst möchte ich euch die Autorin Lucy Keating vorstellen. Habe ich gesagt, ich stelle sie vor? Nein, denn sie stellt sich selbst vor. Bitte beachtet dass das Interview auf englisch gehalten wurde. In dem Interview erzählt sie von ihrem Buch, was sie zum Schreiben bewogen hat und über ihre Träume. Wenn ihr eine Übersetzung wünscht, schreibt es in die Kommentare, dann mache ich mich gerne an die Arbeit.
I’m Lucy Keating, I live in Los Angeles California with my dog,
Ernie. I spent five years working in publishing and television before
writing my own book, DREAMOLOGY. Dreamology is about a girl named
Alice who has spent her whole life Dreaming about the same boy, Max,
who she has never met, only to move back to the town where she was
born, and find him sitting next to her at school.
Timo : So your book is about the science behind dreams, when you did have
the wonderful idea to write about this topic?
always had really strange sleep habits. Walking, talking, nightmares,
vivid dreams. Occasionally I would dream about someone I hadn’t seen
in a while, and I always thought it would so crazy how even if I
hadn’t talked to them in years, they would be so vivid in my dreams.
Like the memory of them was stored away perfectly. I wondered what it
would be like if you dreamed of someone you never met, and began to
fall in love with them.
Timo: .
Why did you decide to write a book
been a writer my whole life, and have kept journals since I was
young. I worked in books and television because I knew I wanted to
tell stories, but in the end I decided to write because I wanted to
be in charge of my own stories. In books and TV I would help come up
with an idea, but then have to give it to a writer to finish. I
wanted to finish it!
Timo : Did you believe that your book become so popular?
it popular??? I hope so! I think the concept is very intriguing to a
lot of people, but there are elements of the book that not everyone
likes or understands (I won’t give away too much), so I wasn’t sure
how it would go over. But connecting with readers is the best feeling
in this whole process.
Timo : Do you like the publisher and the US Cover?
publisher, HarperTeen, is fantastic. And I absolutely love my cover.
I actually had to fight for it, not everyone agreed at first, but I
am so glad this was the one we chose.
German cover I also like because it brings the two characters to
life! That was really fun to see.
Timo : What was greatest moment in your „writer life“ exept the
release of Dreamology?
other day I had to give a speech about writing. I had never done
something like this before, and I was very nervous. But I had so much
fun. It was great to be able to finally talk about my book,
characters and a world I had been privately working on for so long! I
really look forward to doing that again.
Timo : Will you write a new book , maybe a sequel to Dreamology?
am just finishing my second book. It is not a sequel, and I can’t
tell you about it yet, but I can say that like Dreamology it is very
romantic, and also contemporary, but also a little bit weird!
Timo : What
was the strangest Dream that you ever did have?
dreams are ALWAYS so strange. My most memorable one is where I am at
a party and I am looking for a friend. I know he’s there, but I can’t
find him. Every room I walk into people say „You just missed
him! He was just here.“ And so I keep walking, through room
after room, up staircases, until I end up on the roof of this house
by myself. Kind of a sad dream, actually!
Timo: Do you want to say something to the readers in Germany?
you so much for reading my book. I really hope to come to Germany
someday. My aunt lives there and I’ve always wanted to visit.
Worum geht es und Meine Meinung:
Solange Alice denken kann, träumt sie Nacht für Nacht von Max. In echt hat sie ihn noch nie getroffen, doch in ihren Träumen sind sie unsterblich ineinander verliebt. Bis Max eines Tages vor ihr steht. Doch im echten Leben ist er abweisend und hat eine Freundin – nicht gerade die perfekten Voraussetzungen für ein Happy End. Max und Alice beschließen, ihre gemeinsamen Träume zu beenden. Doch wie geht das? Und kann man die große Liebe einfach so in den Wind schlagen
Der Schreibstil war flüssig, man konnte sich sehr hineinversetzten in die Welt von Alice und Max. Man wurde gepackt und hat das Buch miterlebt, meine Gefühle waren voll auf das Buch konzentriert. Ich hab das Buch in einem Rutsch gelesen, da ich es einfach nicht zur Seite legen konnte.
Das Cover ist einfach traumhaft, der eigentliche Grund warum ich mir das Buch bestellt habe. Das Thema „Traum“ wurde sehr gut umgesetzt, dieses Buch ist einfach fantastisch. Ein schöner Liebesroman mit einem Schuss Fantasy. Das Trauminstitut war auch genial aufgebaut. Das Allerschönste waren allerdings die wunderschönen Beschreibungen der Träume. Die Träume waren schräg, aber in den Träumen geschah die Hauptkommunikation zweischen Max und Alice.
Meine Bewertung:
Stil: 10/10
Inhalt: 10/10
Cover: 5/5
= 25/25 = 100 = 1+ (A+) =